Welcome. Please find below the content from all our Veeva & U events.

NEW Veeva & U RIM Community Meeting, 23 November 2022, click on the link below to download:

Veeva & U community meeting, 9 September 2021: Optimize Labeling Management

Veeva & U community meeting, 23 February 2021: Preparing your organization's data for IDMP

2020 R&D Summit, Veeva & U meeting, 27 May: Managing the Active Dossier

Veeva & U meeting, February 12

2019 Veeva R&D Summit, Europe

RIM Transformation Journey with Blueprint, Vericel, and Takeda

Measuring Success with Vault RIM 

2018 Veeva R&D Summit, Europe - RIM Presentations

Please join us for the next events.